package main
import (
func main() {
// 声明map
var countryCapitalMap map[string]string
// 创建map
countryCapitalMap = make(map[string]string)
// 添加键值对
countryCapitalMap["China"] = "Beijing"
countryCapitalMap["India"] = "New Delhi"
countryCapitalMap["USA"] = "Washington D.C."
countryCapitalMap["Indonesia"] = "Jakarta"
// 查看map的长度
fmt.Println("Length of map:", len(countryCapitalMap))
// 遍历map
for country := range countryCapitalMap {
fmt.Printf("Capital of %s is %s\n", country, countryCapitalMap[country])
// 删除键值对
delete(countryCapitalMap, "Indonesia")
// 查看map的长度
fmt.Println("Length of map after deleting Indonesia:", len(countryCapitalMap))
// 查看特定国家的首都
fmt.Println("Capital of USA is:", countryCapitalMap["USA"])