# 多返回值
def multiple_returns():
return 1, 2, 3
a, b, c = multiple_returns()
print(a, b, c) # 输出: 1 2 3
# 关键字传参
def keyword_args(a, b, c):
return a * b * c
result = keyword_args(a=5, b=10, c=15)
print(result) # 输出: 750
# 默认参数值
def default_value(a, b=10):
return a + b
result = default_value(5)
print(result) # 输出: 15
# 不定长参数
def variable_length(*args):
return sum(args)
result = variable_length(1, 2, 3, 4)
print(result) # 输出: 10
# 使用 lambda 创建匿名函数
add = lambda x, y: x + y
print(add(10, 20)) # 输出: 30
# 装饰器
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print("Before the function call")
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print("After the function call")
return result
return wrapper
def decorated(a, b):
return a * b
result = decorated(5, 6)
print(result) # 输出: 30